Interview with Albert Ghilardi, SZ partner

2021 recap with Saicozero partner Albert Ghilardi

How has COVID-19 changed your company’s way of working?

«Not much has changed. During the various lockdowns, in which we were forced to close our production and office facilities, we continued to analyse and perfect our products and develop new ones. The results are already visible in 2021 with the further improvement in the performances of our products and production. We took advantage of the available time to optimise our production facilities as well, investing in machinery to make it even more efficient. We also have in plan a further expansion of our warehouses in 2022».

How did you perform the first half of 2021?

«Well, we increased our turnover also thanks to the 4.0 law in Italy and the various incentives that encourage investments in innovative products both in Italy and in numerous other countries. The sale of our products is also favoured thanks to its reduction in consumption and emissions into the atmosphere which are becoming increasingly relevant topics. Our products have already qualified for emission reduction funds in Germany and in Japan».

Do you think that growth will continue in 2022?


How much do you think the general growth will influence the body shop sector in Italy and abroad?

«With the growth of the country, our sector will also grow, even if there will be a lot of family-run body shops which, in the absence of successors, will close due to reached age limits, while there will be other body shops that will expand because they will fill these shortcomings. There will also be body shops that will specialise in the large-scale repair of car fleets, as is already happening in other parts of Europe».

For Saicozero, will the next few months involve waiting or “taking on” the market with innovations and initiatives aimed at increasing demand?

«We are not a static company that has to attack, but a dynamic company which is always in “progressive aggression”. We have a product that continuously evolves to satisfy all the new needs that arise on the market and our clients appreciate this».

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